In the 1970s, a curious young American by the name of Michael Roach set off on a life-changing journey. He ventured across India, roaming freely with his thumb out, and eventually made it all the way to Dharamsala. This place had become a temporary residence to one of the most revered spiritual teachers in the world: The Dalai Lama. While visiting, Roach had the incredible opportunity to learn from some of the greatest Tibetan Buddhist masters and go on to be ordained as a monk in 1974.
In the late 1980s, Roach’s dedication and arduous study paid off. He became one of the inaugural Westerners to be honored with a Geshe, the peak honor a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism can achieve. No longer content to stay in the monastery, Roach chose to recognize the value of his expertise and share it with an audience who wanted access to the Dharma teachings.
During the ’90s, Roach had a hand in setting up the Diamond Cutter Institute. This organization was built to spread knowledge of an old Tibetan science that enabled people to thrive financially. As opposed to increasing wealth by earning more, The Diamond Cutter philosophy centered around taking the most advantage of what was already in your possession.
Over the past number of years, the Diamond Cutter Institute has been instrumental in facilitating financial prosperity and triumph for many individuals from all backgrounds. As a result of its success, its founder Roach has gained remarkable notoriety as a best-selling author and engaging presenter, delivering his sage words of wisdom regarding the topic of Diamond Cutter to large crowds everywhere.
From humble beginnings, Geshe Michael Roach has grown to become one of the most highly acclaimed purveyors of Tibetan Buddhist teachings today. His knack for delivering vast, complex philosophical ideas in a manner comprehensible to wide-ranging audiences has made him a popular figure among learners of various backgrounds and levels of expertise.
Geshe Michael Roach has attained an outstanding reputation as an esteemed teacher, impressing both novice and advanced students of meditation and Tibetan Buddhist theories with his concise instruction, perspicacious comprehension, and jocose demeanor.
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Post time: 2023-06-25